Get edited
Have you always dreamed of becoming a writer or being published?
You may be in the right place to realize this dream!
Our publishing house is based on the publisher's almost “DNA” will to highlight the archipelago of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon thanks to new and / or already confirmed talents.
Whether you are a novelist or a budding novelist, from the seed of a writer or writer, we study absolutely all projects!
Do not judge yourself, if your project is doomed to live, then it will live.
We will explain and support you throughout your process. The publication dream can sometimes turn into a nightmare when we see the obstacle course that must be done to highlight his work when you have already worked hard on your project.
You have written a novel, a biography, a thriller, a story for children, stories, you have beautiful photographic photos, you are a painter, you have ideas for books but don't know where to start ... then read on.
For our publishing house, it is imperative that the project is linked to the archipelago of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.
So, if you already correspond to our first geographic filter, you can send us your book or your mock-up project or even come and present it to us directly.
For sending :
By mail :
Editions Mon autre France
Rue Saint-Joseph de Cluny
PO Box 1856
97500 Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
We provide a response within 4 to 6 weeks after receipt.
For each project, the editor wishes to meet the author.
It's no: we talk about it together and we tell you "why". It is possible that it is linked to the work or linked to our production.
It is yes: We establish together a publishing contract!
Each step will be done serenely and professionally.
In terms of time, you have to keep in mind that most of the time, more than a year goes by between the time you submit a project and the time it is sold , published and edited. The fact of being, in addition, in Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, increases our working hours, share maritime transport and the arrival of goods.
To give you an idea, a project that goes into print in month M will arrive in the territory at M + 3 months. This is how.
We accept it because we don't really have a choice.
Publishing contract
After validation of your manuscript or any other project by our reading committee, the publishing house Mon autre France offers you a tailor-made publishing contract.
At this stage, we will have already spoken to you about the production and publication costs which are not your responsibility.
It is the publishing house which bears all the costs.
The job of an editor is to find talents and to highlight the work of the authors. It's like a music producer who spots talents and puts them in the spotlight.
Your publishing contract stipulates the payment of your copyrights, the height of which is different depending on the projects because there can be several contributors to the same project. Again, everything is discussed, together!
We are collaborating together on the book model, on the cover. It is we who do all this work but we like to work together with our authors, we like to involve the actors of the book chain, your book, in all transparency.
The writing of novels, play, youth project, etc, implies a layout, certainly, but also literary skills of orthographic, grammatical and syntactic type. So sometimes we have to call on people whose trade or specialty.
It is the cover of your book, among other things, that will make the reader buy. It is primordial, essential and must be sublime. Like any step, creating the cover is an essential part of creating the book.
For this we have a person in charge of the Art Direction who follows the trends of the moment and knows exactly what will correspond to the project, in agreement - always - with your wish and the directives of the editor.
When the print is signed, our pixels leave us to go live for a few moments with our printer.
Again, the costs are borne by the publishing house.
Launch and distribution
Here ! here we are ! It is possible that more than a year has passed between your sending of manuscript or any other project and the reception of the pallets of books. But the way is done and your dream has come true. You have been edited!
You may need to sign bookings, meet your readers, etc. Now is the time to bring your book to life in the hands of your readers who may become unavoidable fans !

At all stages, be assured that your work, by being deposited with us, will be protected, whether we sign a contract or not. It is one of the ethical components of our profession.